Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday Fail, Sunday Plan

Yesterday was pretty much a fail. I was out of the house by 8:30 to take The Son to karate. I didn't take the laptop because Saturdays are always a madhouse at the dojo, the other parents ignore my "I'm working on something" signals and chat with me, and I can never concentrate enough to write more than a line or two in the 45 minutes of class. We went directly from class to a playdate with my friend's twins, who are The Son's oldest babyhood buds. They live at the boarding school where I do my evening tutoring gig. So we played all day there, on the deserted campus, and I was completely worn out when we left; The Son had lots of fun, and it's always great to hang out with my friend, but managing three kids-- all with intense personalities-- takes a lot out of you.

We hit the co-op on the way back and arrived home at 5:00, starving and cranky. Then I had to make supper, clean the kitchen, get The Son to bed... the day just got sucked into a black hole. I did open the TOB file and write ~100 words, but deleted half of them because they sucked. Then I just gave up, watched last week's Fringe, and went to bed early.

The Husband is taking The Son out to the science museum in a few minutes, and when they leave I'm pouring myself a giant iced coffee and diving back in to the book. I have vowed to not sleep again until Act I is finished!

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