Wednesday, August 15, 2012


First draft of The Owl Bearer is done at 94,730 words.

That last scene is more of a summary of a scene than an actual scene, but I am just out of steam. I feel like I did at the end of my 38-hour unmedicated labor, when I kept repeating, "I need for this to be over. I need this baby to be out of me," over and over.

I need this to be over. I need this draft out of me.

Celebratory drink will have to wait until tomorrow, since it's 10:00pm and I haven't even had dinner yet. I'll have a celebratory burrito. But a really good burrito, with chicken sausage chorizo and roasted corn straight off the cob.


  1. Wheeee, congrats on finishing the first draft! What an awesome accomplishment. I hope you're still celebrating!

  2. Thanks, Joely! Last night I was just in shock. Today I think I'm ready to celebrate!

  3. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Hooray! Congrats!

    I will not start nagging you to send it to me till later. Today is for bottle rockets and champagne!
