Saturday, July 7, 2012

Big Moments

I've reached a Big Moment in the book. End of Act II, plot point 2. The dark moment. I know the big ta-DA! reveal in the scene, but I'm finding the wheres and whens and hows of it daunting. I keep thinking of nice suspense-building twists and turns, but that then causes me to have to revise and re-revise my initial vision of how the scene would play out.

Today was a hectic, coming-back-from-vacation day-- an up at the crack of dawn, 4 hours in the car, 5 loads of laundry kinda day. Not much time or space to daydream about the turmoil engulfing my heroine. Maybe tomorrow I can sit and stare at a tree with a notebook open on my lap, and figure it out.

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