Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mid-Month Check-In

15th of the month, and I'm halfway to my primary goal: 10,034/20,000 words. Gotta put in some time on the Act I cuts, though.

I'm coming off a week-long stretch where the words have been coming pretty easily. And then today it was like pulling teeth. I tried to work during The Son's quiet play time, but it was slow. And painful. And BORING. I walked away from it and gave some thought to the lack of oomph in this 650-word chunk. I wound up following the advice given to me twenty years ago by a fellow Creative Writing major: Whenever you're bored by what you're writing, have something die. It's never failed me! So instead of recounting all the boring details of Somi's apprenticeship, I got to write about an autopsy, and introduce a plot-important minor character in the same scene.

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